Felsbrunn Edit By MC Multifruit v5.0 Mod
Version 5.0 with Global Company productions is finally finished. I hope you didn’t have to wait too long.
Well things just take a while. I’ve changed so much that I don’t want to mention this again.
The changes and installations can be found in the “Versions” tab. I followed and implemented some user requests.
I have optimized the map so far and all unnecessary textures have been removed. I have my own tobacco diffuse textures
designed and edited and I think the result is sufficient. Getting to the original textures is just that
not so easy, but I can call it a successful one. So far the log is error-free and is
successfully with me and my wife on the LS Server Germany and Germany2
has been played without any unusual messages. However, I do not rule out warnings or messages. If someone thinks I should have mentioned him in the credits, please let me know. Will if it is appropriate
catch up immediately. I’m actually not the type of many words.
Just see for yourself what has become of it. I wish you all a lot of fun with the Map FS19_Felsbrunn_Edit_By_MC 5.0 Multifruit
with Global Company productions.
1. Error: Can’t load resource ‘data / objects / pallets / pioneer / store_duengerPallet.png’ path corrected
2. Signs, icons and hotspots for the salad factory and carrot juice production installed.
3. 3 logistics warehouses installed.
4. Added washed potato stores to earth fruit stores.
5. Cabbage lettuce and sugar cane storage installed.
6. Further signposts installed.
7. Fruit juice paradise with 6 additional FillTypes installed and the associated warehouse.
8. Additional warning lights installed on ships and boats.
9. More specular textures removed.
10. Provide animations for all productions.
11. Multi-camp built, animations created and installed.
12. Sawmill rebuilt.
13. FillTypes of empty pallets and board pallets changed to a uniform fillTypes. GlobalMarket is therefore also suitable.
14. New fill types added and old ones removed, so that the Kastor sawmill can also be used. Mandatory the FS19_GlobalCompanyPlaceable_sawmill pack. Permission for fillTypes received from Kastor.
15. Fruit farm expanded, which now also uses compost as a raw material.
16. Sounds in potato washer and composting system reduced.
17. Added bushes and flowers in landscaping, which you can use to paint them in the game.
18. 4 tree species and different sizes made available for purchase in the shop.
19. Increased number of ground angles for field cultivation. (Multi Terrain Angle)
20. Riding circuit with details installed.
21. Dam installed.
22. Multiple lights installed.
23. Animated helicopter installed.
24. Ice making built in.
25. Some lights reset (headlight range and light cone).
26. Multifruit vehicles changed.
27. Pda created in English and installed as a placeable board. It can be found under Placeable Objects / Decorations / PDAEnglish.
28. Much much more changed
there is a blockage at field 10 driveway in the road also some in places on one side lne going up to sawmill also sawmill is missing production
dove si trovano i veicoli per la raccolta dei multifruit?
il y a bcp de bug est au bout de 2 jours tout disparer esque c normale