MaizePlus Mod

FS19 Other

MaizePlus Mod

MaizePlus is a global extension, that implements Maizesilage and Grasssilage in roundbales and also the bunker-silos. You can sell and feed the different silage-types too.

It is also possible to create Graingrist and CCM using the MaizePlus_ccmExtension mod.

So you have 4 possible silage-types in the bunker-silos and for feeding:
– Maizesilage
– Grasssilage
– and chaff becomes wcs ( whole crop silage )

While there is less than 4000 liters in the bunker-silo, it will automatically switch its fillType to the fruit you are tipping.
As soon as there’s more than 4000 liters in the Silo that fillType is set until you empty the silo again (in case of it being fermented) or when you remove enough to be less than 4000L again.

Due to the restriction of max. 31 heightTypes (more on that below) in vanilla FS you can play MaizePlus on basegame-maps (or maps with basegame-fruits only) with Seasons but only without CCM-Extension. If you play a map that has more than 31 heightypes enabled you can add MaizePlus_ccmExtension to your savegame and it will activate the CCM functionality.

MaizePlus is a global mod which means it automatically adds itself to everything it needs to, you just need to enable the mod (and CCM-Extension depending on the map/mods you play).

We’ve also made sure that our CCM fruitType is the same as MoreBunkerSilo and the LS-Modcompany CCM mill used, so you can use that CCM mill to create raw ccm. Due to the similarities in fruitTypes and function we don’t recommend to use MaizePlus and MoreBunkerSilo together on the same savegame in order to prevent mod-conflicts and issues.

A more detailed explanation for the heightTypes and their limit:
The default game/map is limited to 31 heightTypes (fruits that can be tipped on the ground). The basegame is using 23 heightypes. That means that there’s 8 more left to be used by mods without having to change the heightype-limit in the map. Our MaizePlus itself adds 4 new heightTypes, CCM-Extension adds another 2. That means that it is possible to play MaizePlus with CCM-Extension on a modmap that has max. 2 additional fruitTypes, or 4 additional fruitTypes if you don’t use CCM-Extension, provided you don’t use any other mods that add additionnal fruitTypes. Of course if you play other mods that also add fruitTypes you need to calculate these in aswell. (For example Seasons adds 3 new heightTypes which means that in order to play MaizePlus with Seasons you can’t activate CCM-Extension, otherwise it would be 32 heightTypes). Sadly this limit isn’t something that can be changed globally, but has to be done by editing the map. But there is going to be updates with more heightTypes to a few well known maps soon.

Changelog V 1.5.2 Hotfix:
— maizePlus_bunkerSiloChanges.lua:120: attempt to index a nil value fixed

Changelog V 1.5.1 Hotfix:
— Line 1083 Error on non-HE Maps fixed

Changelog V 1.5

— Heap-Preview fixed, does not crash while loading/joining in Multiplayer with certrain mod-configurations anymore
— Tedder-Script adjusted, recognition system for drying layer should work more stable now
— Clover Fix, making clover-silage in a bunkerSilo works as intended now
— Log-Error and disappearing Silos in Multiplayer with non-default “chaff” bunkerSilos fixed
— wet clover, wet alfalfa and wetgrass won’t turn into silage in a bunkerSilo anymore (see compost-feature instead)

— M+ Filltypes can now be loaded with the Ropa NawaRo Maus
— Greenland-Subsoiler added
— Brewers-Grain and Beet-Pulp can now be turned into silage
— DSV-Seeds added (BigBag, Pallet, single Seed Sack)
— Compost-Feature added:
If compost exists on the map you can now compost wet-grass, wet-clower and wet-alfalfa in a bunkerSilo.
You can also add straw, miscanthus, lime and manure to either of the above to compost them.

!!Caution!! Due to changes with HeightTypes in this update it is recommended to create a Savegame-Backup before updating MaizePlus (and extensions) in case something goes wrong so you don’t lose a good savegame.
(It is also recommended to make a copy of Maize V 1.4.1 before updating so you can go back to the old version together with the savegame-backup in case something doesn’t work, since there is no way to get a older version of a mod through modhub)
We also recommend to play MaizePlus and Extensions on maps with at least 64 Heighttypes.

Changelog V 1.4.1
— Hotfix for tedder script (fix for no tedding possible on not HE-ready maps, log errors fixed)
— Heap-Preview script added, shows fillType of heaps on ground when standing on them

Changelog V 1.4
— global tedder script added
— global mower conditioner script added
— several bugfixes

Changelog V 1.3
— added greenMowingMower script, so grass and wheat can be mowed before final growth stage with seasons (thanks for the permission and cooperationn)
— added materialHolder for Icons
— added semiDry fruits to hunkerSilo accepted filltypes
— adjusted fruit/filltype pricing
— added siloClover, siloAlfalfa and semidry-horsegrass to selling stations

Changelog V 1.2
— added frutTypeConverters for corn2, crop_windrow, alfalfa (all) and clover (all)
— fermented stuff can be tipped back into the bunker silos
— crop_windrow added as chaff to bunkerSilos if exists in map
— fruitType mass adjusted to Giants values
— bale-limit increased if patch 1.6 isn’t installed
— sellpoints fixed
— Filltype-Display (adds filltype name under icon in Escape Menu)
— MixerDisplay added (shows the mixer wagon percentage outside of mixing wagon)

Changelog 1.1:
– edits needed for maizePlus-forageExtension
– bugfixes

A big thanks to our farming-agency partners that helped us making MaizePlus and the Extesions. Also a special thanks to Wopster and Rahkiin such as Creative Mesh for their help implementing Seasons and Straw-Addon and permission to use Pellet Particles.

A big thanks to Giants for their ongoinng support.
Permissions for Textures or other Content of MaizePlus can only be optained through Farming Agency.

!CAUTION! DO NOT use MOREBUNKERSILO together with MaisPlus!!!!!

Credits: The-Alien-Paul and Modelleicher
(3 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

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Useful Information:
- Do you need any help? Join Our FS Group
- How to install Farming Simulator 19 Mods
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- Landwirtschafts Simulator 19 mods

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