OBJECT INFO v1.0.0.1 Mod
I finally have the object info for you!
Hello everyone!
This mod shows you information about the vehicle or object in front of the player. The displayed values should be self-explanatory.
You can also cut bales with the mod if you are the owner of the bale and of the country where the bale is located. This is also possible in multiplayer!
Key assignments:
Switch object info on / off:
Keyboard: [M]
Controller: [LB] + (A)
Cut bale:
Keyboard: [N]
Controller: [LB] + (X)
Change text size:
Keyboard: [B]
Controller: [LB] + (Y)
Change text color: (Current yard color of the owner of the object / vehicle or white)
Keyboard: [V]
Controller: [LB] + (B)
Info for the multiplayer: In order for the buttons to be active for the client in the multiplayer, the client must have been sitting in a vehicle once. Unfortunately I couldn’t change that.