Przemas Outback v1.0.0.0 Map
Welcome to the Przemas Outback map.
If you like Outback atmosphere, this map is perfect for you. Advantages of the map:
– Two separate farms (multiplayer option) can be combined into one big farm.
– Two separate train lines for each farm.
– The map is ideal for growing cotton and creating huge amounts of silage.
– 3.5 x larger BGA than standard, integrated with the farm.
– Diverse fields from 1 to 20 hectares.
– Each field is near the train path – allowing direct loading.
– 3 forests – small, medium and large.
– Animated irrigation systems (visual effect), increased train and trafic road speed.
ist ne tolle mega map aber leider fehlt compost auf der map bitzte einbauen dann ist es ne tolle map lg bob