Ravensberg Mod
Welcome to Ravensberg. The map is fictitious, but similarities in names with real towns are intentional. A Middle German landscape with great attention to detail awaits you in the look of a model railway and invites you to discover and linger. The map is Seasons- and Maize Plus Ready and supports Maize Plus Forage and Horse Extension (PC/MAC version only).
On PC, you can choose between a version with full Horse Extension support and a version with default settings. To play without the Maize Plus extensions on PC, choose “Ravensberg” during map selection.
On consoles, you can choose between a version with default settings and a version with support for the factories mods. To play with the factories of VSR Modding Sur on consoles, choose “Ravensberg Factories” during map selection (For Seasons compatibility use the corresponding Ravensberg GEO mod from the Modhub).
A new save game is not necessary.
The compost silo is not compatible with Maize Plus as the fill type is fixed after 4,000 litres.
– two pre-built farms (completely saleable, also borders and fences)
– four towns/villages
– 44 fields (size: 1 – 8ha), 7 meadows, 18 woodland sections
– 6 areas for placeable objects in different sizes
– one cowshed installed at each farm
– one horse farm installed
– three railway silos
– railway station for wood
– one BGP pre-placed
– 8 points of sales for crops, 2 for wool, wood and bales and 1 for woodchips
– dynamic AI traffic with a top speed of 45 km/h, slows down at intersections
– support of “Manure System” at the BGA and the cowsheds
– adapted transport missions with new pallets
– field grass, clover, alfalfa, carrots and onions used as additional fruits (for PC and consoles)
– added adapted version which is 100% Maize Plus ready incl. Forage and Horse Extension (only PC/MAC; Maize Plus Mods are mandatory)
– added adapted version which support the factories mods from VSR Modding Sur (erShaba und Vanquish081; only Consoles)
– Holmer T4-40 and Ropa Panther 2 converted for potato, onion and carrots harvest (to be found under potato harvesting)
– Seasons-Ready
– Precision Farming support (soil map and fertilization values)
– support of Mod “AnimatedObject Extend” (only PC/MAC)
Script extensions (PC/MAC only):
– fruit destruction 2.0
– multi-terrain angle (32 angles)
– display of texture names in the landscaping tool
– increased maximum amount of tipping heaps to 127
My thanks go to the modders whose objects, sounds and scripts I was allowed to use. A list of credits is located in the modDesc.xml in the ‘contributors’ section.
-revised panorama (seamless border)
-added spring and autumn texture for panorama (with seasons only)
-fixed borders on roads at the map edge
-adjusted distance texture for field grass
-added pig husbandry as placeable object
-maximum speed of the MAN in reverse gear increased to 22 km/h
Console updates:
-support for erShaba’s bakery mod added.
-changed the fill type of biodiesel (can now also be stored in silos with the category ‘liquid’).