Seneca County v1.2.0.0 Mod

FS19 Maps

Seneca County v1.2.0.0 Mod

Do not rename FS19 Seneca County V1 file and you need FS19 Fermenting SiloV2, FS19 Silo WithDryer and FS19 4SilosWithDryer activated or you will get errors. All files in one zip now.

update v1.2
fixed manure not showing at dairy barn
misc fixes

update v1.1
Some minor fixes
removed floating road
removed snow mission post when not doing snow mission

update v1
Added Cow/Pig barn holds both in same barn. To setup you own flatten area first then put down old cow barn then match pig pasture to barn. Watch videos on my youtube channel to setup.
Hay and Straw elevator for old cow barn can be setup to fill hay mow. They can be placed at either end of barn I did not place any by default. Can be found in placeables – miscellaneous

Welcome to Seneca County. This map is based on our farm in north central ohio. It is a 4x map. This is my first map so be kind lol.
Realistic map based on google maps and lidar. It is scaled down 33% i thought to make fields more manageable (its a game) but then i went and combined some anyway.

It would not let me upload here so i used mediafire. anybody know why?
-all farms are left somewhat plain so you can build your farm. also they have big flat areas around them in the field to make it easy to expand.
-real corn drying. must use drying bins it shrinks corn and converts it to dry corn(corn2) thanks to schubi script. sell points pay a premium for dry corn(corn2). the way giants handle prices some times corn is more than corn2 depending on location. corn2 can no longer be planted as now it is considered dry corn.
-buying farmland allows you to own all placeable buildings on that land and sell them
-Seasons ready
-new fruit types thanks to papasmurfmodding. alfalfa was the main one i wanted but was easier to include all.
alfalfa,clover,sorghum,sudangrass,corn2,blackbean,tobacco,peanut and rice.
-It has 4 sell points that take everything including milk and eggs right now.
-2 bale barns for hay, straw, cotton and silage.
-1 wood sale point but trees on map are not made for large scale forestry.
-Several small to medium farms and some deco houses and farms. i tried to make big flat areas around some of them to make it easy to expand.
-135 fields from 2 to 20 ha (5 acres to 49 acres)
-4 cow barn 1 hog barn 1 chicken shed credit to NostalgicFarmerall it has an error i cant fix but doesnt effect gameplay 1 sheep
-Alot of placeables built in as when i started the only way to get animated doors was placeable. You own and can sell/buy all of them i have not figured out how to own them only if you buy the land.
-Has field missions
-added deco equipment to store but in multiplayer some of equipment is owned by any added farms.
-fill stations for bulk lime, fertilizer,seed and herbicide thanks to Rene
-cbj buildings built in map thanks to cbj
-building ownership buy land to own them then can be sold
-all animal pens now buy with farmland
-No sleep trigger i figure you can download mod and place it at the farm you choose.
-No bga as we dont have them around here but if alot of people want one i could add in future.
-map has an old railroad bed running thru it. that is what angled across it.
-Starting equipment is close to the size we own. The map picture has about the same equipment we own or have owned but they are mods i did not want to include all the mods so equipment is game default(european).
Custom TMR corn fed beef now possible. I did not place any by default.
Has snow missions

Thanks to CBJ for buildings and many map makers that i used buildings from. Clovercreek, Countyline, Autumn Oaks and Mills County just to name a few. of course giants for making game. Thanks to all who made howtos and answered forum questions without them i wouldnt know where to start.

Credits: jm44807
(4 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

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Useful Information:
- Do you need any help? Join Our FS Group
- How to install Farming Simulator 19 Mods
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- Landwirtschafts Simulator 19 mods

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2 Responses

  1. Darren Stanley says:

    I found the Easter egg, now I am very curious, how does it work? We noticed when you get closer to it, it dissapears. How do we find it again?

  2. Andy Tranovich says:

    who else used to go to Seneca lake when they were a kid

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